Home Profile Settings Heart Rate Zones

Heart Rate Zones

Last updated on Jul 12, 2023

By default, we determine your heart rate zones by estimating your max heart rate based on your age. While this works for a large number of athletes, it may not work for you. For those athletes who know their specific heart rate zones, we allow you to customize them to fit your specific physiology.

  • Enter your max heart rate in athlete information.

About Heart Rate Zones

Z5: Anaerobic (90% - 100% OF MHR)

Sprinting pace, unsustainable for long periods of time, labored breathing. Anaerobic and muscular endurance, increased power.

Z4: Threshold (80% - 90% OF MHR)

The fast pace and a bit uncomfortable, breathing forcefully. Improved anaerobic capacity and threshold, improved speed.

Z3: Aerobic Endurance (70% - 80% OF MHR)

Moderate pace, more difficult to hold a conversation. Improved aerobic capacity, and optimal cardiovascular training.

Z2: Aerobic Base (60% - 70% OF MHR)

Comfortable pace, slightly deeper breathing, conversation possible. Basic cardiovascular training, a good recovery pace.

Z1: Warmup / Recovery (50% - 60% OF MHR)

Relaxed, easy pace, rhythmic breathing. Beginning-level aerobic training reduces stress.

Not in Zones

If your heart rate was lower than zone 1 for any part of the activity, that data will not appear in your activity details chart, and your totals may not add up to 100%.